הדפסות תלת מימד
Additive manufacturing (AM) - also commonly referred to as 3D Printing - is the process of building three-dimensional structures or components from the ground up, usually layer by layer. It's an increasingly popular manufacturing process - but to be successful, it requires careful characterization of components' raw materials, such as metal powders and polymer powders. To meet this need, Dr. Golik offers characterization solutions that cover many of the major AM processes and materials used
• Evaporation systems.
• Melting & boiling point with automated detection.
• Spray dryers – nano and micro spry drying solutions.
• Encapsulator – encapsulation of cells and/or active ngredients.
• Extraction – fast extraction for QC labs of different samples.
• Prep Chromatography system.
• Flash and Prep system for separation of samples using low and extreme high pressures using UV-VIS and ELSD detectors.
• Size (Dynamic Light Scattering,
Laser Diffraction, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis)
• Process Particle Size (LD, Spatial Filter velocimetry)
• Shape analysis and chemicals identification
(Morphological Imaging and Raman Spectroscopy)
• Stability and charge (ELS, Zeta potential)
• Concentration (Multi-angle DLS, NTA)
• Size, Boyant mass and Counting
(Resonant Mass Measuremet)
• Molecular Weight & structure (GPC/SEC)
• Capillary Rheometers
• Freeze dryers – FDA approved lyophlization systems with deep active cooling including PAT tools for process development.
• RVC – Rotational vacuum concentrator for multiple small volume samples volume.
• Centrifuges – low and extreme high speed RPM for different sample with or without cooling (including low temp cooling at -20).